UK Broadband Reliability Issues ‘Affecting Majority Of Users’
If you’ve noticed that your broadband has been experiencing a few issues of late, you certainly won’t be the only ones. New research from has just revealed that 83 per cent of broadband users in the UK have had reliability problems in the last 12 months, with issues like slow loading pages, buffering, pages crashing and disconnections all rearing their heads.
Off the back of this study, the company is now calling for the industry to focus on transparency around broadband speeds so that people really understand about what they can get in their own homes.
It was found that just 57 per cent of users think they can access superfast speeds in their local area, while 30 per cent don’t know if they have any access to these services whatsoever. In actual fact, 90 per cent of households now enjoy superfast broadband.
“Most consumers aren’t bothered by the technical definitions of their broadband connection, they just want – and deserve – a reliable service that delivers value. However, consumer speed frustrations coupled with a lack of awareness around superfast availability shows more needs to be done to communicate what’s available to individual properties in a meaningful way,” broadband expert Ewan Taylor-Gibson said.
Testing your signal strength might be a good idea as this will determine how much data you can send and receive. For businesses, opting for the fastest speed available in your area is wise if you’re to ensure productivity and efficient methods of working. Boost your broadband speed by securing WiFi with a password and cleaning up the applications on your PC.
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